
Citizen Agora Dialogues 2024

Its main objective is to promote social commitment and the inclusion of citizen participation in scientific discussion, especially within the Barcelona area. These sessions are conducted in Catalan and/or Spanish and deal with scientific topics closer to the interests of citizens, at a level of discussion appropriate for the general public. Attendees are offered the opportunity to express their voice and participate in the debate.

Next Agora: 5-06-2024 Cooking and science

Cooking and science converge in a fascinating place where flavors, textures and chemical processes are combined. The kitchen is an experimental laboratory where reactions and transformations occur in food. Science provides knowledge about the physics, chemistry and biology involved in food preparation. Modern chefs draw inspiration from science to better understand culinary processes and innovate, using techniques to create dishes that combine art and science. This fusion of cooking and science not only drives culinary creativity, but also offers opportunities to better understand food, nutrition and health in a more accurate and informed way.

Guest speakers:

Juli Peretó, professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UV, Valencia

Pep Romany, cook and craftsman, Dénia

Moderator: Magda Minguet, journalist editor of Foodie Culture Barcelona magazine


Link  here to see the session by zoom

Past Agora:

17-04-2024 Affective, sexual and gender diversity: nature and culture

To see the session click here

21-02-2024 The challengues of human reproduction

To see the session click here

Citizen Agora Dialogues 2023

08-11-2023 Podrem parar l’envelliment I la mort?

Click here to watch the session

13-12-2023 Intel·ligència artificial generativa: bases tecnològiques I implicacions socials

Click here to watch the session

Agora, referring to the meeting place used by the citizens of ancient Greek cities for a variety of public activities, is the name of the second new series of scientific discussions introduced by the AE-BKH. Similar to the Frontiers series, Agora also promotes interdisciplinary dialogue between two experts on scientific advances that are of high social relevance and/or pose major challenges to humanity, addressing their implications from the standpoint of the social sciences, and the humanities.

However, the main aim of Agora is to boost societal engagement and the inclusion of citizen participation in scientific discussion, particularly within the Barcelona area. Thus, Agora sessions are conducted in Catalan and/or Spanish and deal with science topics closer to the interests of citizens, at a level of discussion suitable for the general public. Attendees are offered the opportunity to express their voices and participate in the discussion. Furthermore, the sessions plan to incorporate science journalists as convenors or moderators in order to attract a wider audience.

Agora sessions are grounded in science, clearly breaking away from merely subjective impressions and/or ideologically anti-scientific attitudes that involve a rejection of science. The discussions are rooted in objectivity and the scientific method and explore potential social and humanistic -including ethical and moral- implications.

Contact Us

Academia Europaea-BKH
Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació
Passeig Lluís Companys, 23, 5th floor, 08010 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

+34 936 896 477

+34 620 777 280

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