Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize


The Academia Europaea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub (AE-BKH) is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the fifth edition of the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize, awarded by the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with the AE-BKH.

This Prize, in the amount of 30,000 euros, recognises an outstanding researcher who has achieved a career of excellence at the highest international level in Europe and has made a significant contribution toward different fields of knowledge, as well as a positive impact on society.

The fifth edition of the Prize will recognise a research career in the Life and Health Sciences

Criteria and procedures for the Prize are as follows:

  • Documents and deadlines: The call for nominations is open from July 11th, 2024, until September 10th, 2024.
  • Once the deadline for submitting applications has ended, it will be verified that each one contains all the documents listed in point 5 of this call and, where appropriate, the correction of incomplete or defective documentation will be required. In accordance with the provisions of article 7. 5 of the General Regulations governing municipal subsidies, a period of 10 working days will be granted to amend the application in the event that it does not meet the requirements established above, indicating that if it is not amended, the application will be considered withdrawn. The final closing data will be 20th of September, 2024.


Candidates for the Hypatia Prize do NOT have to be Members of Academia Europaea or even be natives of Europe, but HE/SHE must have developed HIS/HER research career mostly in Europe. Candidates for the Hypatia Prize are proposed anonymously by a primary nominator (Nominator 1) and require the support of a secondary nominator (Nominator 2). Nominator 1 must be either: a Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE), from any Section; a member of the Scientific Advisory Council (CAC) of the Barcelona City Council; or the CAC as a whole, represented by either its President or Secretary. Nominator 2 must be a Member of Academia Europaea, from any Section. The two Nominators must be from different countries.